So really, why buy office supplies from Red-Inc ?
Perhaps we can give you ten good reasons to buy office supplies from us, backed up by authentic snippets from our customers and a few words from ourselves. This week will will publish five of the ten.
There are some pretty fundamental reasons why customers that buy office supplies come on board with us, even if they have had long standing relationships with their previous suppliers. Below we will highlight the main reasons that are tangible rather than speculative, although this list is not exhaustive as there’s plenty more we do. So if you buy office supplies already this might be worth a read.
Ok lets dive in at the deep end with the first 5 reasons that might be appealing to you the buyer.
1) Price:
Let’s not pretend this isn’t important, we save our customers on average 18% on a like for like basis. As a result of a full commercial cost analysis this saving makes it worth while for you to buy office supplies from us.
“Red-Inc saved us a staggering £2700 a quarter”
2) Streamlining and efficiency :
As a part of the initial costing review we also look at how we can make you more streamlined and efficient, in all respect from start to finish. We call this a saving on human effort.
“Red-Inc reduced our deliveries by 45%”
3) Take on and the dreaded thought of changing suppliers :
Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered, we do it all and we are so proficient at it you won’t even know the change has happened.
” What impressed me the most was the seamless transition between the two companies”
4) Advise on green incentives and implementing change:
This runs through the heart of Red-Inc, we are experts at reviewing and helping companies with all areas of CSR and green awareness in this sector. We want you to buy office supplies through us, but have a first class level of service too and to feel like you are using a credible and ethical company. It`s just not about cheap pens and paper from where we sit.
Its Green office week this week so why not see what you might be able to achieve. Check it out on twitter @UKAvery
“Red-Inc refuse to use and sell and unaccredited white office paper where the origin is unknown”
5) Commitment to 100% fulfilment on deliveries:
An area massively neglected in our industry due to the complex issues and exhaustive product range. But we don’t ignore it, we task ourselves to master it and obtain 100% fulfilment for you. See the extra time savings by taking 100% complete deliveries each and every week you buy office supplies.
“A new client with 7 sites went live in April 2015. In following 6 weeks to date of this article they have experience 100% order fulfilment across the board, No exceptions, by using the Red-Inc methodology around ordering.”
If you like what you see then drop us a line and lets see how we can help you improve all areas of this supply area. With the new financial year and budgets being reviewed, doesn’t an 18% saving sound interesting? Don’t forget, you don’t have to invest any time or money to get this bottom line saving.
Please call us on 01903 257000