Offset your paper usage with B Corp Red-Inc.
Times are changing and businesses need to be agile and responsive if they are to survive in today’s markets. Conventionally companies have competed over price, service levels and product quality. But now experts believe businesses that concentrate more on their values and less on profit take the competitive advantage.
Additionally a new breed of conscious consumer has evolved and companies are seeking to purchase from purpose led brands. They are seeking companies with verification and those that take definitive action.
“We must all strive to be better, not just in a business sense, but in terms of the greater good. If you have a poor social and environmental record potential customers won’t want to buy into the company, no matter how good you claim to be” says Adam Huttly, Founder of the UKs first certified B Corporation Red-Inc.
The mood for the planet is one of great contention and worry – there is no planet B. All businesses large and small have a vital role to play in combating issues such as climate change, poverty and gender inequality. We must accept responsibility for our operations, the products we sell and our supply chains.
So what can we all do ?
Firstly, let’s take responsibility for our own actions , however elementary that might be. Take a long hard look at yourselves and your organisation and make changes, even if they are small steps. If in doubt get help from either a specialist or follow the work other brands have done.
If you have a larger organisation perhaps enlist the help of an Environmental management consultancy like Green Element.
Alternatively completing the B Impact Assessment will rapidly optimise your operations so that society and the environment benefit. This is a free whole-business bench-marking tool provided by the non profit B Lab. It measures your environmental and social performance. And going one step further and certifying as a B Corp is the most wonderful and fulfilling experience. Not just our words ! check them out B Corp UK
What have Red-Inc done
At Red-Inc over the years we have contributed thousands of pounds to various charities and we have met some inspiring people through our rebate schemes. However, we felt a bit of change was needed to make this both authentic, transparent and more relevant to our business and the impact it has directly.
Our industry is paper heavy and although paper can be argued to be sustainable, the environmental impact of paper production is significant. We feel that it is down to us to take action to neutralise and indeed offset, our own paper usage and that of our clients.
So we launched 2 campaigns
1) Our FightBrightWhite campaign – Encouraging our customers to introduce some recycled paper into their businesses. Read more about it here.
2) PlantOneProtectOne – This is a UK first leading scheme whereby we will both plant trees and also protect areas of rainforest in relation to your pulp paper usage. Ultimately our customers protect and plant more trees than their paper usage destroys. For more information please read our PlantOneProtectOne article here
If you would like to join these remarkable industry leading initiatives – quite simply drop us a line or give us a call on 01903 257000